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This is a django application for managing renting of books:

  • register
  • obtain token
  • rent a book
  • view balance

The application can be accesed at The documentation can be viewed at


  • Python 3.6
  • postman
  • pip
  • virtualenv


1)Clone the repo from GitHub:

$ git clone

2) Create a virtual environment and install the necessary packages with:

$ virtualenv -p python3 env

3) Activate virtual environment:

$ source env/bin/activate

4) cd to the root of the api:

$ cd lori_assignment

5) Install requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

6) Make migrations:

$ python makemigrations

$ python migrate


$ python runserver


Getting the token

The /api-token-auth/ is the authentication endpoint, which will be from local server. The token is retrieved by submitting the username and password

Using the token

The token is used in all the endpoints by adding the JWT+ token in the authorization header. Alternatively, the user can log in using the login links from the web application and the token will be generated, stored and refreshed by the application

Accesing the application

The application can be accesed by using postman or for a better experience, using the web app.


Users include staff(superusers) and Normal Users

Staff (superuser)

Are created using the command

$ python createsuperusers

Functions the supers users can do

Funcion Request command
/api-token-auth/ POST Login and retrieve token
/api/rest-auth/registration/ POST Registration
/api/<version>/book_rentals/ GET GET ALL RENTALS
/api/<version>/book_rentals/create POST Create Book Rental
/api/<version>/book_rentals/users/balance/<user_id> GET GET balance
/api/<version>/books/ GET GET All Books

Running the tests

$ python test --with-coverage

Deployment To AWS

This service can be deployed to aws to run as a containerized application on aws EKS service with fargate nodes to run the workloads. Deployment is achieved using terraform (version 0.14.8). This is automated to be part of the CI/CD pipeline by making use of github actions.


Opensource terraform modules have been used to create the infrastructure for the application, namely:

Pull Requests

On making a PR, a github action runs and builds the docker image for the application, a terraform init, validate and plan are also perfomed. Any errors in docker build or the terraform code will result in the github action failing.

Merge To Main

On a PR being approved and merged to main, a github action runs to build the docker image and push it to aws ECR, a release tag of the latest code is created, terraform init and apply are then carried out deploying the application as container using aws fargate for on demand nodes.


  • The initial CI/CD run builds out all the infrastructure i.e
    • vpc and subnets
    • alb
    • eks cluster
    • postgres database this initial run might take a long time, but subsequent imporovement changes and deploys should be fast.
  • Each PR needs to bump up the release version otherwise the on merge job will fail due to conflict with existing release tag.

Known Bugs
