A cookiecutter template for creating reusable Django REST Framework packages with the best practices quickly. This template is customized to provide structure for quickstarting a Hack Oregon civic data project.
Hack Oregon is a rapid prototyping lab taking a creative approach to data projects that bring insight to complex issues in the public interest. We’re a community-powered nonprofit, our teams are made of volunteers, and all the work we do is open source.
- Pytest testing
- Sane setup.py for easy PyPI registration/distribution
- MIT Open Source Licensed
- Standard templates for README, issues and pull requests, Contribution guidelines
This repo uses the Cookiecutter templating project. You will need to install Cookiecutter. The recommended method is by a pip install:
$ pip install cookiecutter
A more in-depth Training and User Guide is available here
To generate a new repo:
$ cookiecutter gh:hackoregon/2019-backend-cookiecutter-django --checkout BRANCH
You can leave out the --checkout BRANCH
if checking out from MASTER.
You'll be prompted for some questions, answer them, then it will create a backend-cookiecutter-django with your new package.
At this point, you are ready to connect with an external git and start coding.
You will be asked the following information when creating a project:
"full_name": "Your full name here",
"email": "[email protected]",
"github_username": "yourname",
"hack_oregon_team": "Transportation Systems",
"year": "2019",
"github_repo": "2019-transportation-systems-backend",
"python_package_namespace": "hackoregon_transportation_systems",
"python_subpackage": "toad",
"project_short_description": "Your project description goes in here",
"version": "0.1.0",
"gis_project": "True"
- full_name: Your name as project originator (for credit in documentation)
- email: Your email address
- github_username: Your github username
- hack_oregon_team: Canonical name for the Hack Oregon Project Team, ie Transportation Systems or Sandbox
- github_repo: naming of repo within the hackoregon organization, ie: 2019-transportation-systems-backend
- python_package_namespace: Namespace to use for project subpackages in public package authority, ex: hackoregon_transportation_systems
- python_subpackage: Name of the Django Rest Framework subpackage for project code. Cookiecutter will generate a single subpackage, though project may have multiple subpackages
- project_short_description: A brief description of the project
- version: initial version of the app, should be 0.1.0 if new project
- gis_project: Boolean as to whether to include django-restframework-gis package in setup.py dependencies
To run tests on the Cookiecutter generation, please install TOX, which is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool.
TOX is available to install from PyPI via pip:
$ pip install tox
It will automatically create a fresh virtual environment to run tests.
Then just run:
To help contribute to the project:
- Open a github issue to track your Contribution
- Clone repo and create a feature BRANCH
- Make your changes
- Create passing tests in TOX
- Update Documentation
- Update Changelog with your changes, and add yourself to Contributors in contributors.md, if not already there.
- Create a PR using Pull request template (be sure to link to github issues)
- Receive at least 1 +1 from a project team member before merging.
- Profit