A .netstandard NuGet package for use with the Zendesk v2 API.
This is a complete rewrite so expect breaking changes.
Some noteworthy changes include:
replaced withCreateAsync
replaced withUpdateAsync
resource now usesSearchAsync
instead ofFind
, and introduces a new fluent api to replace the oldZendeskQuery<T>
To register this in your DI, you just need to call...
services.AddZendeskClient("https://[your_url].zendesk.com", "username", "token");
then you can inject in IZendeskClient anywhere you want to use it. Here you can access all the resources available.
If however you want to use the client in a DI less environment you can do this
var zendeskOptions = new ZendeskOptions
EndpointUri = "https://[your_url].zendesk.com",
Username = "username"
Token = "token"
var loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();
var zendeskOptionsWrapper = new OptionsWrapper<ZendeskOptions>(zendeskOptions);
var client = new ZendeskClient(new ZendeskApiClient(zendeskOptionsWrapper), loggerFactory.CreateLogger<ZendeskClient>());
var ticket = await client.Tickets.GetAsync(1234L); // Get ticket by Id
var tickets = await client.Tickets.GetAllAsync(new [] { 1234L, 4321L }); //
var ticket = await client.Tickets.UpdateAsync(ticket);
var ticket = await client.Tickets.CreateAsync(ticket);
await client.Tickets.DeleteAsync(1234L);
await client.Search.SearchAsync<User>(q =>
q.WithFilter("email", "[email protected]")
await client.Search.SearchAsync<Organization>(q =>
q.WithFilter("name", "Cupcake Cafe")
// All non closed tickets
await client.Search.SearchAsync<Ticket>(q =>
q.WithFilter("status", "closed", FilterOperator.LessThan)
The zendesk api documentation is available at http://developer.zendesk.com/documentation/rest_api/introduction.html Querying and searching is limited by the searchable fields on the zendesk api
In order to run integration tests against your own zendesk instance use the Cake script provided by:
.\build.ps1 -Target "Run-Integration-Tests" -ScriptArgs '-zendeskUrl="<your zendesk url>"', '-zendeskUsername="<your zendesk username>"', '-zendeskToken="<your zendesk token>"'