This pastebin was built using Apache Wicket. The original code was built by several folks as a tutorial for learning Wicket named 5 Days of Wicket. There's a link in the navigation to the source code which you can peruse at your leisure.
The idea of a pastebin is simple, copy all or a fragment of code you need help with into the content box on the page. Select which language the code is in for nice syntax highlighting provided by the SyntaxHighlighter JavaScript library. You will receive a small URL to paste into an email, IRC, mailing list, or instant message to receive help on your issue.
We have plugins for 4 different development environments so you can paste directly from the editor.
Mystic Paste is setup with Maven so to build a war, just type
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Pull it into any IDE and find the in web/src/test/java/com/mysticcoders
Execute the main and you should have a pastebin running.
Deployment should be as simple as adding your own
then typing :
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -PDEV