Starred repositories
Thread pool implementation using c++11 threads
ksvc / FFmpeg
Forked from FFmpeg/FFmpegmirror of git://, with RTMP protocol extensions for H.265/HEVC powered by KSYUN.
WEB VIDEO PLATFORM是一个基于GB28181-2016标准实现的网络视频平台,支持NAT穿透,支持海康、大华、宇视等品牌的IPC、NVR、DVR接入。支持国标级联,支持rtsp/rtmp等视频流转发到国标平台,支持rtsp/rtmp等推流转发到国标平台。
A Particle System for standard Android UI:
🔥🔥🔥自定义Android相机(仿抖音 TikTok),其中功能包括视频人脸识别贴纸,美颜,分段录制,视频裁剪,视频帧处理,获取视频关键帧,视频旋转,添加滤镜,添加水印,合成Gif到视频,文字转视频,图片转视频,音视频合成,音频变声处理,SoundTouch,Fmod音频处理。 Android camera(imitation Tik Tok), which includes video e…
Real-World Super-Resolution via Kernel Estimation and Noise Injection
🚀AI拟声: 5秒内克隆您的声音并生成任意语音内容 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
A sliding menu library not just for recyclerview, but all views.
Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS, Web, and React Native
Some Famous Android Developers Information, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站:
Some Chinese Android Developers Information, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站:
WebRTC plugin for Flutter Mobile/Desktop/Web
Endoscope lets you to stream live video between android devices over Wi-Fi! 📱📲
ExpandableRecyclerView with smoothly animation.
General server (streaming/conference/transcoding/anayltics) for OWT. (A.k.a. MediaServer)
Official Jetpack Compose samples.