Real-time analysis and diagnostics tools for OpenResty (including NGINX, LuaJIT, ngx_lua, and more) based on SystemTap
Performance analysis tools based on Linux perf_events (aka perf) and ftrace
BCC - Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more
RickPizzi / bgbackup
Forked from bstillman/bgbackupA wrapper script for xtrabackup/innobackupex.
RickPizzi / mysql-audit
Forked from buysse/mysql-auditMySQL AUDIT Plugin. See wiki and readme for description. If you find the plugin useful, please star us on GitHub. We love stars and it's a great way to show your feedback.
scripts & tools that help my everyday DBA tasks
DISKSPD is a storage load generator / performance test tool from the Windows/Windows Server and Cloud Server Infrastructure Engineering teams
StyleGAN2 - Official TensorFlow Implementation
集 MySQL监控项采集、备份、巡检、日志分析、自动故障解决于一身的python工具包
Versatile resource statistics tool (the real one, not the Red Hat clone)
A beautiful web dashboard for Linux
Official repository of Trino, the distributed SQL query engine for big data, formerly known as PrestoSQL (
citusdata / HammerDB
Forked from TPC-Council/HammerDBHammerDB Database Load Testing and Benchmarking Tool
阿里云计算平台DataWorks( 团队出品,为监控而生的数据库连接池