A Notepad++ plugin that sends the current tab's document to a GraphViz preview window.
Install Notepad++
Notepad++ is a powerful text editor that supports plugins such as NppGraphViz. Go to the Notepad++ homepage at https://notepad-plus-plus.org. Download and install the latest version.
Install Graphviz
Graphviz is a collection of progams that make diagrams from a simple text language. Go to Graphviz's homepage at www.graphviz.org. Download and install the latest version.
Install NppGraphViz
Download the NppGraphViz.dll from github at v1.0.1 NppGraphViz.dll. Move NppGraphViz.dll into the plugins\ directory of Notepad++. On a typical install, the full path would be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins".
Start Notepad++
Start Notepad++. Click "Plugins" from the file menu, you should see "Graphviz" if the plugin successfully installed.
- Hit the F9 key to preview or refresh your current tab's document with a selected GraphViz program (e.g. dot.exe).
- Save the image with any of GraphViz's supported file types.
Suppose you have this text in Notepad++:
Digraph g
The plugin sends the text to GraphViz, and displays the following preview: