The vouvher pool system provides you with the ability to create recipients and allocate voucher codes to the based on the special offers you create.
**Please follow the steps below to view and generate voucher codes**
- Clone project - Run composer install - Rename .env.example to .env - Create you database and set dname, username and password on the new .env file - Generate your laravel key - Run php artisan migrate - Run php artisan db:seed to generate dummy datas for both recipints, vouchers codes and special offers - Start your vouche pool app by running php artisan serve - To run your TEST go to your console and type ./vendor/bin/phpunit
**To view the schema diagram of this app check the root directory for a file named schema_diagram.png or you can access it online throughCloudinary **
**To view the endpoint documentation kindly visit the url below stating the various end point created for this app onPostman **