A react web application built on MERN Stack (MongoDB , Express , React and Node.JS) for visualizing data compiled from assessments by physician observers to enhance the Competency-Based medical Education model.
This is the repository for the front-end code,the corresponding backend-code is available here: https://github.com/kiranbandi/cbd-dashboard-server
WARNING: This is a work in progress in its pre-alpha state. It is completely functional, so feel free to fork it and try it out but expect changes that break your code in future versions.
The current version of the CBD Dashboard is live at :
If something doesnt work or you have noticed a bug please create an issue using the template provided alternatively you can also drop a mail to the developer contact address below.
Since this project is supported by funding from the University of Saskatchewan we wont be able to support major Feature Requests unless they come through the official channels but if there is something tiny that you might want the tool to have please drop a mail to the contact address below.
Also the current development history of the tool including new features that we are working on can be seen here - https://trello.com/b/SuLCQr1u/cbd-design-board
This project is sponsored by the Emergency Department at University of Saskatchewan.
For bugs, feature requests - Drop a mail to the developer at [email protected] or [email protected]
To get a demo of the tool - Drop a mail to the project lead Dr.Brent Thoma - [email protected]
Links to the design document and the site map are provided below along with a snapshot of the minimum basic data requirements for the dashboard -
- base EPA acquisition metrics
- Rotation schendule of a resident
- Recent EPAs that have been completed in the last month
- A complete chart with EPAs scores corresponding to each Learning Stage
- History of Expired EPAs if any
- Percentage completed in each Learning stage (Transition to Discipline,Foundation,Core,Transiton to Practice)
- base EPA observation metrics ,Number observed
- Average EPA score and Dove Factor (Probablity of being generous in awarding higher scores)
- Table of all EPA observtions filterable and sortable on the basis of Rating, Feedback Given or Observation Date
- Ability to export all the results in an CSV file for further research and analysis.
- EPA Split Distribtuon for each learning stage.
- EPA Monthly Distrubtion Curve
- File processor to parse and export the difficult to analyze Royal college of medicine Export file.
- Visualize the data on the file.
- React
- Redux
- Axios
- React-Router
- xlsx
This project is a mix of both React and D3 with D3 handling creation of visual components and React handling the actual rendering. Redux is used for managing the data store and styling is done through SaSS.
Install webpack and some plugins and loaders,
$ npm install
Webpack config can be found in build-config\webpack.config.js
Watch for changes and compile bundle if found,
$ npm run start
Generate minified production files,
$ npm run build