Routines for semi-automated grading of MATLAB coding assignments and interaction with Canvas and Qualtrics.
By Dmitry Savransky with contributions by Guy Hoffman.
Please note: the Canvas routines have the potential to bork your gradebook and (unlikely but possibly) whole course site. Use at your own risk.
To install from PyPI:
pip install --user cornellGrading
Or, with optional dependencies required to push LaTeX into Canvas HTML:
pip install --user cornellGrading[latex2html]
To install system-wide, omit the --user
The latex2html
option requires the pandoc executable to be installed and in the system PATH. For detailed pandoc installation instructions see here:
If cloning from github, in the cloned grading directory:
pip install --user .
or, to install in developer mode:
pip install --user -e .
In order to also install requirements needed push LaTeX into Canvas HTML, do:
pip install --user -e .[latex2html]
Documentation is available here:
cornellGrading uses UCF/Open_'s canvasapi and the black code formatter.