resource for store initial videos extract for extract frames in videos result for store images and databases obtained in tracings
data_extract.ipynb to extract frames and store in extract files
extract_fourmis.ipynb to locate each ant (metrics of corner detection also in it)
extract_fourmis1.ipynb to locate ants massively
recognition_img_fix: cnn_generate.ipynb to create train/test set according to 14 imgs
Generate.ipynb rotate images for more training info
cnn_train to define the cnn model, and stock the model im model_frac.pkl (metrics of cnn also in it)
Preprocessing parameters stocked in mu.npy and sig.npy
test_mass.ipynb to see whether the pre-trained model works to output the result in video
recognition_opencv; to find moving ants and store their ids and locations in result in csv simple algo1 real time dict
merics in analyse.ipynb
find_trace: distinct.ipynb a try to combine the traces, but failed
distinct_pandas.ipynb combine the traces, and store the extracted data in result show the results in video