Repo to share things I have learned over my many years of programming and data experiences
- 🆕 Notebook for Tropical storms using Azure Maps
- I have always enjoyed creating content with weather and maps
- And of course we got storm "Kirk" this year! At least it is staying in the middle of the ocean
- 🆕 Notebook for load testing Azure OpenAI
NOTE: You can twist this many ways as needed
- 🆕 Notebook to show capacity in Azure OpenAI
- 🆙 SQL Tester added some code to output the total sessions in use
- 🆕 Fabric APIs notebook and all
- 🆕 SQL Tester to validate connection pools
- 🆙 Updates for APIM using the new backends and circuit breakers see here
NOTE: This truly simplifies management and APIM manages a lot of this for you now
- Added Azure Automation script to suspend Fabric Capacity
- Pricing and Model variants helper pricing
- 🆕 Assistants API notebook with a file movie-assistant
- 🥵 Azure API Management with Azure OpenAI retry 429 logic here
- Prompt Flow replacement for bing it now using serp it
- 🆙 and updated to support the new Python SDK v1.0.0 and higher
NOTE: Got rid of the deployment list so back to REST API for that
- 🆙 updated to support the new Python SDK v1.0.0 and higher
- 🆙 updated to support the new Python SDK v1.0.0 and higher
- 🆙 updated to support the new Python SDK v1.0.0 and higher
- 🆙 updated to support the new Python SDK v1.0.0 and higher
- 🆙 aoaihelper.ipynb removed
import openai
as it wasn't used (bad code)
- Have a PC and a Mac (MacBook Pro mid-2012...please send me a new one)
- VS Code
- Extensions: REST Client (must have)
- PowerShell Core (Not Windows PowerShell)
- Windows: Running on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
This is all the buzz as of late and I am quite impressed with what we are able to do with it. I have included an initial script in my aoai folder to review. This includes a couple of examples:
- Use NLP to query a Azure SQL database
- Use PowerShell to test a ton of models and examples
- Python notebook with examples and SQL generative
Have a complete walkthrough using a Free Cluster (No cost) to test ADX