The Basic Repository Demonstrator (BaReDemo) serves as showcase for highly customized repository solutions. It allows to manage digital objects including Dublin Core metadata. An easy-to-use Web interface allows to modify and to retrieve digital objects in a Google-like simplicity. For more information on components of the BaReDemo and how to use it, please refer to the documentation, which is also part of this project.
In order to build the BaReDemo you'll need:
- Java SE Development Kit 8 or higher
- Apache Maven 3.3+
- Build of the KIT Data Manager 1.3 base project
Before building KIT Data Manager 1.3 you have to change the file UserInterface/AdminUI/pom.xml
by changing the packaging type from war
to jar
After building KIT Data Manager 1.3 base and obtaining the sources of the BaReDemo, change to the folder where the sources are located, e.g. /home/user/BaReDemo. Edit the file
and set JAVA_HOME and MAVEN_HOME according to your local installation. Afterwars, just call:
user@localhost:/home/user/BaReDemo/$ sh ./
Building distribution for release BaReDemo-1.0-SNAPSHOT and application BaReDemo.war
Executing clean install
As soon as the build process has finished there will be a file named
located at /home/user/BaReDemo which is the distribution package of the BaReDemo containing everything you need to launch the demonstrator. Extract the zip file to a directory of your choice and refer to the contained manual for further instructions.
The Basic Repository Demonstrator is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.