rack-transform Public
Middleware to make a compatibility layer between two different requests that should hit the same endpoint.
json-waveform Public
Generate waveform JSON information from audio files, compatible with http://waveformjs.org/
doorkeeper Public
Forked from doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeperDoorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Ruby on Rails / Grape.
mongoid Public
Forked from mongodb/mongoidRuby ODM framework for MongoDB
Netlify Public
Forked from shailen-naidoo/NetlifyA VS Code extension that displays your Netlify build statuses and more!
js-client Public
Forked from netlify/js-clientA Open-API derived JS + Node.js API client for Netlify
swagger-codegen Public
Forked from swagger-api/swagger-codegenswagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
danger-rubocop Public
Forked from ashfurrow/danger-rubocopDanger plugin for Rubocop
octokit.rb Public
Forked from octokit/octokit.rbRuby toolkit for the GitHub API
dd-trace-rb Public
Forked from DataDog/dd-trace-rbDatadog Tracing Ruby Client
suntimes Public
Sunrise, noon and sunset from diffrent places, graphed with d3
rubocop-github Public
Forked from github/rubocop-githubCode style checking for GitHub Ruby repositories
gitlab Public
Forked from NARKOZ/gitlabRuby wrapper and CLI for the GitLab REST API