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brcobranca Public
Emissão de bloquetos de cobrança para bancos brasileiros
rswag Public
Forked from rswag/rswagSeamlessly adds a Swagger to Rails-based API's
Ruby MIT License UpdatedNov 29, 2023 -
paranoia_uniqueness_validator Public
Forked from anthonator/paranoia_uniqueness_validatorRuby MIT License UpdatedOct 30, 2023 -
devise-security Public
Forked from devise-security/devise-securityA security extension for devise, meeting industry-standard security demands for web applications.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 7, 2023 -
dockerfile-postgres Public
Forked from livingdocsIO/dockerfile-postgresPostgres 15 with wal-g, pg_auto_failover. The docker image doesn't have any volume declarations and uses uid 1000 to ease the support of pg_upgrade.
Shell MIT License UpdatedMar 24, 2023 -
multi-az-db-cluster-sample-for-amazon-rds Public
Forked from gsvaidwan/multi-az-db-cluster-sample-for-amazon-rdsHCL MIT No Attribution UpdatedFeb 17, 2023 -
activeadmin-dragonfly Public
Forked from unmantained-activeadmin-plugins/activeadmin-dragonfly -
uptime_checker Public
Forked from fnando/uptime_checkerCheck if your sites are online for $7/mo.
monit-aggregator Public
Forked from mattfawcett/monit-aggregatorA Sinatra App that aggregates your Monit Web interfaces into 1 interface
rspec-mocks Public
Forked from rspec/rspec-mocksRSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 25, 2022 -
nfe-paulistana Public
Forked from iugu/nfe-paulistanaGem para gerenciamento de notas fiscais paulista
Ruby UpdatedOct 20, 2022 -
cobregratis-ruby Public
Forked from CobreGratis/cobregratis-rubyRuby Gem para a API do Cobre Grátis
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 17, 2022 -
catalogo_empresas Public
Forked from guru-br/catalogo_empresasLista de empresas e ou instituições das quais possuem em sua stack principal e ou demais sistemas relevantes com Ruby.
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 12, 2022 -
remote-jobs-brazil Public
Forked from lerrua/remote-jobs-brazilLista de empresas com trabalho remoto no Brasil
UpdatedApr 11, 2022 -
hutch Public
Forked from ruby-amqp/hutchA system for processing messages from RabbitMQ.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 4, 2022 -
cssbundling-rails Public
Forked from rails/cssbundling-railsBundle and process CSS in Rails with Tailwind, PostCSS, and Sass via Node.js.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 3, 2022 -
devise-two-factor Public
Forked from devise-two-factor/devise-two-factorBarebones two-factor authentication with Devise
strip_attributes Public
Forked from rmm5t/strip_attributes🔪 An ActiveModel extension that automatically strips all attributes of leading and trailing whitespace before validation. If the attribute is blank, it strips the value to nil.
inherited_resources Public
Forked from activeadmin/inherited_resourcesRuby MIT License UpdatedDec 16, 2021 -
rspec-sqlimit Public
Forked from nepalez/rspec-sqlimitRSpec matcher to control SQL queries made by block of code
turbo-rails Public
Forked from hotwired/turbo-railsUse Turbo in your Ruby on Rails app
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 18, 2021 -
activeadmin-wysihtml5 Public
Forked from unmantained-activeadmin-plugins/activeadmin-wysihtml5 -
state_machine Public
Forked from seuros/state_machineAdds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 23, 2020 -
hashids.rb Public
Forked from peterhellberg/hashids.rbA small Ruby gem to generate YouTube-like hashes from one or many numbers. Use hashids when you do not want to expose your database ids to the user.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 27, 2016 -
cnab240 Public
Forked from eduardordm/cnab240Implementação do Layout Padrão Febraban 240 posições
formtastic_i18n Public
Forked from formtastic/formtastic_i18nI18n translation for the formtastic gem
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 14, 2015