Making an SSD1306 work in the constrained PIC16F877A
This was a bit of a challenge. There's plenty of code online for driving the SSD1306, but most of it uses buffered memory (see the _buffered.h
example for this).
But these don't work on a device like the PIC16F677A, why?
Unfortunately, the PIC16F677A has a grand total of 128 bytes of SRAM. Yes, you read that right, 128 bytes. The SSD1306 module has 128x64 pixels. Even if it was 1 bit per pixel, I'd still need 1024 bytes of memory to store a screenbuffer.
So, the PIC16F677A just doesn't have enough data memory for screen buffering.
So what is a person to do?
Using the resources from
And then
I ported and edited and mangled the original source codes (some remnants are stored under /unused
) so that the PIC would fit and support a subset of operations of the original SSD1306 driver operations without any data buffering at all! Hooray!
(Wait, is this a good thing?)
If you're interested, the useful code is in ssd1306_unbuffered.h
and i2c.h
Anyway, it works! Woohoo!