Homophones of a word in Python from the the world's only complete homophone list. A Python wrapper for the homophone list. Pyphones generates the homophones of a word from the world's only complete homophone list (taken from: https://www.homophone.com/).
Calling help on the class Pyphones returns.
Help on class Pyphones in module main:
class Pyphones(builtins.object)
| Pyphones(word)
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, word)
| Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
| get_the_homophones(self)
| Get the homophones of the word.
| Returns
| dict: {word: [list_of_homophones]} against each word.
| get_the_page(self, page_no=1)
| Get the page content.
| Returns
| str: the content of the page.
| get_the_page_nos(self)
| Get the total number of pages
| Returns
| int: the total number of the pages.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
To use, simply import the Pyphones from main.py
py = Pyphones("see")
homophones = py.get_the_homophones()
{'see': [['axseed', 'accede'], ['oversees', 'overseas'],
['reseed', 'recede'], ['reseeded', 'receded'], ['reseeding', 'receding'],
['see', 'c', 'cee', 'sea'], ['seed', 'cede'], ['seeder', 'cedar', 'ceder'],
['seeding', 'ceding'], ['seeds', 'cedes'], ['seel', 'ceil', 'seal'],
['seem', 'seam'], ['seemed', 'seamed'], ['seems', 'seams'], ['seen', 'scene'],
['seer', 'cere', 'sear', 'sere'], ['seers', 'sears'],
['sees', "c's", 'cees', 'seas', 'seize']]}