Et forsøk på å beskrive et minimum av hva en kommune kan forvente av tilgjengelige API operasjoner fra en moderne EPJ system
Draft sewing patterns to your own measurements using R
Shrinkray is a modern multi-format test-case reducer
A command line tool to mine and analyze data from version-control systems
A simple template for a wiki page for a TVP (thinnest viable platform) - as explained in the Team Topologies book
Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach.
Clean jQuery Mobile theme-pack and theme generator
emilybache / TDDwithMockObjectsAndDesignPrinciples
Forked from lucaminudel/TDDwithMockObjectsAndDesignPrinciplesTDD with Mock Objects: Design Principles and Emergent Properties
jduey / ring
Forked from ring-clojure/ringClojure web application library: abstracts HTTP to allow modular and concise webapps
A simple JQuery console emulator