This is an app for people to create fun characters and use those character attributes to play a simple game with.
Link to backend: https://github.com/kjfossman/backend-timed-game-api
- I have always liked gaming and thought this would be a fun project to incorporate a game with. Making the characters and choosing their attributes while utilizing that in the actual gameplay was a good challenge.
- Fork repo and clone to your local machine
- Run bundle install on the backend-timed-game-api
- Run rails s
- Open a new terminal for the frontend-timed-game
- Run npm install -g live-server
- Run live-server
- This app is coded in javascript using a rails API for the backend
- https://github.com/kjfossman/backend-timed-game-api
Users can
- Create new characters
- Update character image
- Delete characters
- Select characters
- Start a game
- Pull requests and bug reports are welcome on Everyone interacting with this project is expected to follow the Code of Conduct
- MIT License kjfossman