Access the data of 3-axis magnetometer and DMP from MPU9250 with SPI interface
All data fusion (including the data of dmp output, such as the accelerometer data, gyroscope, 6-axis quaternion and internal magnetometer data) via a 7-state, 13-mesurement EKF(Extended Kalman filter) / Unscented Kalman Filter(UKF) / Cubature Kalman Filters (CKF) Algorithm.
1.kalman feature:
prediction state: q0 q1 q2 q3 wx wy wz
mesurement:q0 q1 q2 q3(q0~q3 from dmp ouput) ax ay az wx wy wz mx my mz
2.Add a miniIMU for doctor's miniQuadrotor
add a new fixed-point ekf algorithm for doctor's miniQuadrotor
please check the miniIMU directory at the root and look the usage.txt for using!
3.Add a win32 application for serial port communication
calibraion for accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer
please check the "Calibration App" directory at the root
4.Add a miniAHRS for 9-axis fusion, such as ax ay az wx wy wz mx my mz form accelerometer,gyroscope,magnetometer
7-state ekf algorithm: quaternion and 3-axis gyroscope bais
3-mesurement for accelerometer
3-mesurement for magnetometer
5.Add a GPS/ins implement via ekf fusion algorithm
16-state ekf algorithm: 4 quaternion, 3D postion, 3D velocity, 3-axis gyroscope bais and 3-axis accelerometer bais
9-mesurement for magnetometer, 3D postion and 3D velocity from gps and barometer
6.Other stuff
add ms5611 spi driver
using 4-order Runge_Kutta to slove the quaternion differential equation.