Small ruby server that hosts an application which allows you to attach phoneme data to wav files
Make sure you have ruby installed on your system. Then you can do
$~ gem install sinatra
$~ ruby server.rb
This should run your server on localhost:4567. Simply visit that in your browser and get to work :D
- Load a WAV file. It's important that this file has no lipsync data from Valve already on it.
- Add Words
- Add phonemes to words that don't already have phonemes
- Drag/resize words to their respective places
- Collapse words
- Drag phonemes to their respective places
- Normalize
- Export wav file
- No edge case testing done. Only perfect workflow assumed
- Cannot edit files that already have a VDAT header
- (Simple workaround is to open the WAV file in notepad++, yeah hecking lol, and deleting everything from the last VDAT occurrence)
- No VDAT import
- TODO: disallow exporting until words have been collapsed and phoneme regions normalized (overlap erasure)