I'm looking for a MACHINE LEARNING job. My abilities is not limited in machine learning but my major work should be machine learning, this is really important.
Name: Yuan Yifan
Nick: Tsing Jyujing
Mail Address: [email protected]
Tel: 182-2085-2215
- Traditional machine learning, include regression(bp-neural-network, SVR), classification algorithms(SVM, logistic regression, bp-neural-network), cluster(AP, k-means), dimensionaly reduction(PCA, LDA, maniflod DR methods like IsoMap,LLE), sequential predict like hidden markov model;
- Deeplearning, sequential predict network like RNN(LSTM), image recognition CNN and voice recognition CNN(CNN-1D);
- Some basics about NLP like words division and N-Gram language model;
- Mathematic basic of machine learning, convex optimization and intelligent optimization algorithms.
- Have a good master of MatLab, C and Python;
- To be familiar with Java and Scala.
- Have a good master of 51/Arm Cortex-M development;
- To be familiar with some common bus interface (CAN, USART, IIC, I2S, SPI,...).
- Common peripherals' operation.
- Common signal processing methods like FFT, STFT, Wavelet decomposition, HHT and ect.;
- Order analysis and waterfall diagramal analysis.
- Classic control theory and modern control theory;
- To be familiar with fuzzy control theory
Automobile theory, constructure and design.