This is a python helper library.
- Danmaku receiver / sender.
- Auto join SmallTV.
- Mac Notification / TTS.
- A basic music VOD.
- Gift auto response.
- Easy to add new functions.
$ sudo pip install pybili
Please create a file '.pybili.conf' in your home directory(~).
[cookies] cookies=your_cookie [90012] GiftResponse=false ShowTime=false SmallTVHint=false MacNotification=false MacTTS=false DanmakuColor=blue
Run from your favorite shell.
$ bili-danmuji roomid
How to get the cookies?
How to use the Mac notification? Get an error
/bin/sh: terminal-notifier: command not found
?Install the terminal-notifier through
$ brew install terminal-notifier
Copyright (c) 2017-2017 kliner