cutevariant is a light standalone viewer of genetic variation written in Python for Qt. It allows you to view and filter VCF and other format files.
pip install cutevariant # install
cutevariant # run
Pyside2 is not currently (2019 May) functional on Cygwin, so Cutevariant will not work on Cygwin.
- Install Python3.6+
- Install like the previous chapter said.
- Add the path of python scripts executables to your PATH variable; Something like:
Two executables are generated in this directory:
- cutevariant_win_dbg.exe: Open a console in background to see debugging messages.
Note: Qt libs seems to have a very high loglevel and such a verbosity could make the program unusable.
- cutevariant.exe: Standard executable.
Complete rewriting from Cpp to Python.
git clone [email protected]:labsquare/cutevariant.git
cd cutevariant
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
make install_deps # install
make install # pip install -e .
make run # start application
make test # start tests
Use zest.releaser to handle the version and distribution through pypi.
pip install zest.releaser[recommended]
To yield a new release, use:
Install Python3.6+
Install git
Install make (optional)
pip install wheel git clone git fetch git checkout dev # or devel make install # or pip install --user -e .[dev]
Executable files are located here:
- Executable path: C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\Scripts\cutevariant.exe
Strongly discouraged: You will generate an archive of 350Mo just for a program of less than 900Ko (including 550Ko of fonts and icons).
Install cx_freeze:
pip install cx_freeze
Build a blob:
make build_windows_blob
Your blob is in ./build/