If you are building a web app, chances are good you have some jobs to design and execute in order to provide services to your customers. Generally, that means handling computer-based or manual tasks, calls to external services, failures, timers and retries. LevelUp lets you build all of these and compose them to create a runnable job. Concretely, you will define a task graph, where each task contains its own business logic implemented in ruby. Jobs can be performed synchronously in the current thread or asynchronously by background workers. Three methods are available in each state to control the job flow: move_to!(task_name), retry_in!(delay), manual_task!(task_description).
Designing your jobs graphically with tasks and transitions can be more easier than directly writing code, especially for non-technical people. Graphs can be drawn, printed, shared and analysed making it easier to let everyone know what the system is doing at specific points in time. From a developers point of view, it’s clearer to separate the different parts of a job into isolated states. Class-based tasks are reusable in multiple jobs to avoid code duplication. For example, you can use the Template design pattern to implement the generic part of a task in a parent class and implement specialized parts in children classes.
Ruby 1.9+, Rails 3.2.x, ActiveRecord, DelayedJob 3.x
Add LevelUp to your Gemfile:
gem 'level_up'
and run bundle install
within your app's directory.
First, make sure DelayedJob migration is installed. If not:
$ rails g delayed_job:active_record
Install and run LevelUp migration:
$ rake level_up:install:migrations
$ rake db:migrate
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# ...
mount LevelUp::Engine => "/level_up"
LevelUp only provide basic http authentication through Rails 3.1+ http_basic_authenticate_with method. Authentication is disabled by default. To enable it, add these lines in your config/environments/*.rb.
# config/environments/*.rb
config.level_up.http_authentication = true
config.level_up.http_login = "your-login"
config.level_up.http_password = "your-password"
# app/models/hard_job.rb
class HardJob < LevelUp::Job
# tasks and transitions
job do
task :start, transitions: :first_task
task :first_task, transitions: :second_task
task :second_task, transitions: :end
def first_task
# logic goes here
def second_task
# logic goes here
You can also define task logic in a class instead of a method.
module HardJob
class FirstTask < LevelUp::Task
def run
# logic goes here
module HardJob
class SecondTask < LevelUp::Task
def run
# logic goes here
Inside a task, you can call 3 methods to control the job flow:
Leave the current task and run the specified one.
# example:
move_to! :second_task
Stop the execution and enqueue a new delayed_job to re-run the current task after the specified delay in seconds.
# example:
retry_in! 1.hour
Stop the execution and set the manual_task and manual_task_description attributes to notify that some work need to be done manually.
# example:
manual_task! "check payment information"
You can also raise a StandardError (or a subclass) to stop the execution and set the error attribute. The time, the task and the error backtrace will be saved.
In your code:
job = HardJob.create(key: "job-key")
# execute the job synchronously
# or asynchronously with DelayedJob
- Others authentication methods
- More metrics and filters in the dashboard
- Remove the dependency on DelayedJob to allow the use of others asynchronous queue systems like Resque, Sidekiq or Beanstalk
- Allow graphical interaction on SVG graphs to manage jobs
- ...
Your feedback is very welcome and will make this gem much much better for you, me and everyone else. Besides feedback on code, features, suggestions and bug reports, you may want to actually make an impact on the code. For this:
- Fork it.
- Fix it.
- Test it.
- Commit it.
- Send me a pull request.
Feel free to ask questions using these contact details:
- email: [email protected]
- twitter: @kmatrah
Copyright 2013 Karim Matrah. See LICENSE.txt for further details.