Repository for Operation-Aware Soft Channel Pruning using Differentiable Masks (ICML 2020)
This code is implemented based on TensorFlow Docker with version 1.10.1-gpu and python 2. The algorithm is tested on Ubuntu 16.04.
You can download it as follows:
wget -c
tar -xvzf cifar-10-python.tar.gz
mkdir data
mkdir ./data/cifar10
mv cifar-10-batches-py/* ./data/cifar10
rm -r cifar-10-batches-py
You can test baseline with several networks as following command: ex) DenseNet
sudo bash DenseNet DenseNet 0
If you want to run other networks, you just replace "DenseNet" with "VggNet19", "VggNet16", and "ResNet". Then, training outputs are saved in ./cifar10_DenseNet_base_network in case of "DenseNet".
Also, please run the following command to reproduce our algorithm with several networks.
# ResNet
sudo bash ResNet_gumbel_prune 0.95 0.00005 2.0 0 ResNet
# DenseNet
sudo bash DenseNet_gumbel_prune 0.95 0.00003 2.0 0 DenseNet
# VggNet19
sudo bash VggNet19_gumbel_prune 0.95 0.0001 2.0 0 VggNet19
# VggNet16
sudo bash VggNet16_gumbel_prune 0.95 0.0001 2.0 0 VggNet16
The training outputs are saved in ./cifar10_ResNet_gumbel_prune in case of "ResNet".
Finally, you can check "Slimming" algorithm as following command: ex) DenseNet
# Learning a network from scratch with a sparse regularization defined in "Slimming".
sudo bash DenseNet_Slimming DenseNet 0
If you want to run other networks, you just replace "DenseNet" with "VggNet19" and "VggNet16". After training, the training outputs are saved in ./cifar10_DenseNet_slimming_network. To prune and then fine-tune with "Slimming", you can run the following command. ex) DenseNet
# Pruning the pre-trained network for 80% channels and then fine-tune the pruned network
sudo bash DenseNet_Slimming_Finetune 0.8 DenseNet 0
The training outputs are saved in ./cifar10_DenseNet_slimming_finetune_0.8. If you want to run other networks, you just replace "DenseNet" with "VggNet19" and "VggNet16". Also, you can prune 90% channels in a network by changing 0.8 into 0.9.
If you use this code, please cite our paper.
title="{Operation-Aware Soft Channel Pruning using Differentiable Masks}",
author={Kang, Minsoo and Han, Bohyung},