Rebuild of a Pi powered weather station. The origial I did an instructable for ( this one uses all off the self parts.
And wrote up a few thoughts about the project on my blog as well:
Uses a few standard sensors to track weather data:
- Temperature - comes from 2 sensors the BMP and the DHT.
- Soil temperature
- Soil humidity
- Light - via a photoresistor. The Higher the number the darker out.
- Pressure
- Humidity
- 2 Air sensors - One does more dust and smoke, air quality. The other looks for gases like propane and butane.
- Wind speed
- Wind dir
- Rain Gauge
- Lightning detector - Currently having issues so commented out.
The analog sensors run through the MCP3008 chip to get converted to a digital reading.
The wiring and circuit boards are in the schematics directory and is a Fritzing file. There are also PDFs I used to print the PCB to thermal transfer paper and burn the Copper circuit boards. There are two boards: 1 in the main station for the MCP3008 A/D converter and photo resistor, and the 2nd is a "remote" unit that goes in the Amrite housing and does the air sensing, pressure, temp, and humidity, via 2 air sensors, the DHT, and the BMP.
Data is logged to a postgres table as well as a CSV file and the CSV file is rotated out nightly. The log file also contains some of the data and other debug statements.
Some frontend code is supplied to display/graph the data using Google Charts. This uses PHP to write javascript code, so it's far from ideal. Also needs more reusable code, since a bug or change needs to go across all the pages and I've currently not been fixing that. Timeframes are roughly 24 hrs and 7-days (for the files ending in 2). Currently very buggy and titles/labels aren't very accurate (months in javascript start at 0 not 1). Will probably rewrite the frontend to something like NodeJS that will integrate easier with Google Charts (or another plotting package)
I used Gitlab and gitlab pipelines to do some automated CI and testing so the gitlab-ci is provided for some of that.
Name | Description |
---|---| |
Bill of Materials - List of parts, counts, approximate prices and where to find. |
schematics/ |
Fritzing Schematics for electronics |
station-code/ |
Python3 Code. |
station-code/ |
Main code for collecting weather data. | |
This file |
Apache 2.0 License |
frontend/ |
Docker container from running PHP scripts to display the data. |
structure.sql |
Postgresql Data schema. |
- apt-get update
- apt-get upgrade
- apt-get dist-upgrade
- apt-get autoremove
- Turn on Interfacing Options:
- I2C
- 1-wire
- sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev
- pip3 install pyyaml
- pip3 install structlog
- pip3 install numpy
- sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python3-dev
- sudo pip install psycopg2
- sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.6
- apt install postgresql libpq-dev postgresql-client postgresql-client-common
- sudo update-rc.d postgresql enable
- sudo su postgres
- createuser weatherstation -P --interactive
- createdb weatherstation
- create table using structure.sql
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE weatherdata TO weatherstation;
Add SSH key:
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/other_id_rsa
Checkout Modules, run sudo python install
git clone
git clone git://
git clone
git clone
git clone
Docker testing image:
docker build -t gitlab:4567/lab-projects/raspberry-pi-weatherstation .
- Leverages gitlab and pipelines to do tasks
- Started with Database is Postgresql and the pgadmin interface to get GUI representation.
Author:: Kevin Kingsbury (@kmkingsbury)
Apache 2.0