- Sapporo, Japan
- https://kn1kn1.github.io/
*This repository is archived. Now main development repository is mimium-org/mimium-rs .
A library of functions based on 4 different sorting algorithms with customized parameters for using them in performance.
A tiny language for live coding that is like describing rhythm machine patterns in text
Using Orca to control live looping/sampling in Sonic Pi
A companion app for ORCΛ using its UDP operator to send UDP messages or complex OSC message to multiple hosts
Deprecated: See [Λioi](https://github.com/MAKIO135/aioi) instead
Home of the Rockstar programming language
Live Coded Cover Songs - For exploring live coding implementations of familiar tunes
My TC files from back when that was a thing
Processing + Sonic Pi Techno Machine
Auto-generates sound patterns for the TidalCycles livecoding environment.
Basic introduction to sound synthesis, rhythms and effects using Overtone and Clojure.
A step-by-step tutorial for total beginners. PDF here:
The Cyril programming language is designed for fast prototyping of visualisations and live coding visuals.
Live programming music with space - Performance Source
Context Free is a program that generates images from written instructions called a grammar. The program follows the instructions in a few seconds to create images that can contain millions of shapes.
non-realtime sc140 sound file generator web application
A library for sclang (SuperCollider client application)