Tags: knime/knime-gateway
Fix KNIME URL generated for Local space root In contrast to `AbstractContentProvider#getRootStore()` which maps to `knime://LOCAL/`, this one generated `knime://LOCAL`, which makes some code using it now fail when invoked on the local space root, e.g. "Download" from remote server.
DEVOPS-2739: Update base branch in Jenkinsfile; version bump for 5.3.3
NXT-2735: updateLinkedComponent: Error on failed update check, add re… …sult details NXT-2735 (Updating linked component with broken link shows "Everything up to date")
NXT-2879: Remove excess whitespace NXT-2879 (Drop node on connection with metanode out destination)
NXT-2879: Remove excess whitespace NXT-2879 (Drop node on connection with metanode out destination)
DEVOPS-2516: use new version of feature branch extension (NO-CI)
DEVOPS-2516: use new version of feature branch extension (NO-CI)
DEVOPS-2561: Update base branch in Jenkinsfile; version bump for 5.3.1
Snapshot test fixed and Row Filter settings updated
DEVOPS-2280: Update base branch in Jenkinsfile; version bump for 5.2.3