Emerald is a Tiling Window Manager for macOS built with the SwiftUI framework. It attempts to provide a user-friendly experience for customizing Yabai & SKHD. The project is currently inactive.
- Switch between Floating, Tiling, and Stacking modes
- Focus, Move, Resize
- Toggle Padding / Gaps
- Split
- Balance
- Change window transparency
- Toggle shadows (on/off/floating)
- Enable window borders
- Toggle floating windows to stick ontop
- Swap or Stack windows while holding a modifier key
- Switch between default, autofocus & autoraise modes
- Toggle mouse-follows-focus
The following are all examples of what can be achieved using Emerald, by Yabai for the tiling window manager functionality and SKHD as the keyboard shortcut dameon.
control + arrowkey
control + option + arrowkey
control + option + command + arrowkey
control + option + x
control + option + x
control + option + p
Special thanks to the developers of Yabai & SKHD.