I'm Koen, I'm a passionate Software Engineer and DevOps / Automation Enthusiast. And I care about Developer Experience, "The best workflow is invisible".
Currently I'm very into Static Code Analysis, AST (treesitter), Mass refractoring using comby and Neovim Plugin creation
- koenverburg/dotfiles - The usual stuff: vim, powershell, vscode, scripts (2 weeks ago)
- koenverburg/committer - Simple Commit cli questionnaire to help with structured commits (2 weeks ago)
- koenverburg/.github - (1 month ago)
- koenverburg/nvim - (2 months ago)
- koenverburg/static.nvim - Static info provided by treesitter or lsp (4 months ago)
- koenverburg/bun-monorepo - Proof of concept to move to bun with monorepo capabilities
- koenverburg/committer - Simple Commit cli questionnaire to help with structured commits
- koenverburg/nvim -
- koenverburg/complexity.nvim - Neovim plugin that highlights Cyclomatic Complexity
- koenverburg/static.nvim - Static info provided by treesitter or lsp
- Fast Track SaaS Development with ShipFast (10 months ago)
- The 4 Books That Are Changing My Life Right Now (2 years ago)
- Guide on writing a trading bot in 2022 (2 years ago)
- Set up a Multi-Stage Docker Build for Go Applications (3 years ago)
- Publish an Article To DEV.to With GO (3 years ago)