A project built by Kristiina Kolu, Marianne Ardin and Mimmi Fordal Uddin.
This was the project for week 20 of the Technigo bootcamp. The project has both back- and frontend. We built the backend using API, Postman, MongoDB and Heroku. In the frontend we worked in React and Redux/toolkit with branches.
Requirements included:
- API routes to register and login, and finally an authenticated endpoint.
- The authenticated endpoint should return a 401 or 403 with an error message if you try to access it without an authentication access token or with an invalid token.
- The frontend should have a registration form which POSTs to the API to create a new user.
- Passwords in the database should be encrypted with bcrypt.
- API should validate the user input when creating a new user, and return error messages which could be shown by the frontend.
We hade to make a few tweaks to make the sliding function work and get the error messages to display in a nice way. The option to upload an image on the access page is a stretch goal.
Frontend: https://auth-project-hippos.netlify.app/
Backend: https://project-auth-week-20.herokuapp.com/loginpage