Thanks for viewing my Online Tea Store repository.
You can view my site here or clicking on the image down below for a video detailing the thought process behind my project along wth some performance data.
npm run client
: Runs only the front-end client.
npm run server
: Runs only the back-end server.
npm run dev
: Runs both the front and back end concurrently
: MongoDB URI Key
: Paypal Payment Gateway Client Secret
: Paypal Payment Gateway Cleint ID
: Mailchimp authorisation key
The Google Analytics SDK allowed me to integrate 'tags' into the website and send event data to Google Anlaytics. Since the inception of our company, it has been incredibly useful in helping us make design, functionality, as well as business decisions. It requires a Google Anlaytics ID to connect to the relevant account.
This requires a userId and accessToken for the Instagram API to retrieve posts from your Instagram account.
Used to allow users to subscribe to our mailing list, this is an incredibly powerful API. You will have to configure this to your personal account/ subscriber list.
An incredibly easy to use NodeJS middleware which allowed for the compression of files into Gzip upon deployment. This significantly improved page loading times.
Used to secure communication between the front-end and the NodeJS back-end API, without violating CORS policy.
This minimalist NodeJS framework which allows for very fast server side setup. Together with Node (which is run on Google's V8 engine), this allowed for fast perfomance and requests, while the native use of javascript makes handling of JSON data super easy. Additionally Node's single theraded event loop mechanism also allows it to handle multiple simultaneous connection efficiently. This helps ensure that our site can scale as engaement grows.
HelmetJS helps maintain information security by putting steps in palce to prevent malicious attacks. It is incredibly easy to implement and also highly customisable.
Chose for it's flexibility, MongoDB is a NoSQL database and uses JSON to store data. As we develop and add new features, I want the information collected to remain flexible and want to have the option of adding additional fields in the future if necessary. While during development the collections are no longer being used, it is set up and ready to handle user auth integration and cookies.
Schema based object modelling which is desinged to work with MongoDB.
As the REST SDK can be integrated on the Node server, this allowed for a large amount of customisationa and flexibility. As a mobile first ecommerce store I wanted to make the checkout porcess as easy as possible and reduce 'form filling', making PayPal the perfect solution as over 95% of our customers already choose PayPal to checkout on our website (even with alternatives being offered). This allow customers to intiate checkout straight from the basket drawer. Its integrationw ith node also allows for secure transaction authentication.
A staright forward solution to environmental variable management.
Improves production efficiency by restarting the devlopment server on save.
Runs both the front-end client and back-end server 'concurrently' in one terminal.
Provides easy virtual DOM manipulation and state management. This makes building Single Page Applications easy and allows for fast development.
While not a installed dependency, it replaced Redux in my project. It provides and incredibly easy to work with solution to 'prop drilling'. To me this seemed more intuitive and avoids a 'layer of indeirection' which can make code hard to follow when usign redux.
Allows individual setting of Title and metadata for each page when used with a pre renderer such as Snapshot (see below). This has fantastically improved SEO, and helped make Create React App SEO friendly.
A light weigth promise based HTTP client which makes it easy to make request to the backend and handle responses.
Provides access to local storage in the browser. This is useful in preserving session data over multiple sessions in the client without the need to communicate with the server or database.
Used to parse transaction IDs sent as a url query string by Node Paypal SDK to our frontend in order to securely verify the transaction.
Generates static HTML pages for each route in the application. This can be used in combination with React Helmet ot imporve SEO. Most importantly it imporves page loading speedsas this takes the pressure off the server when generating and caching routes. My favorite dependency in the whole stack :)
Makes use of the Instagram API to quickly integrate a instagram feed.
Jest is a node based test runner, which functions as both a testing framework and an assertion library. It is incredibly useful for carrying out unit and integration tests.