The goals for this course include introducing the basic concepts, principles and design techniques of database through classical database management systems. Students are expected to be able to understand the comprehensive theory and technology about database management systems, program with SQL language and design stored processes and triggers after taking this course. Students are also expected to design databases for different purposes in real data processing problems by applying the basic theory and methods of database design.
This course introduces the basic concepts related to database systems, the basic theory and techniques, methods and principles of database design and SQL programming. It covers five parts, listed as below:
Data management techniques, basic concepts related to database systems, relational data model and related theories.
On the base of basic concepts and basic theory, starting from the project needs analysis, the methods how to design database conceptual structure, logic structure, physical structure, database security and integrity are introduced.
SQL and its application, introduce SQL programming and the design of stored procedure and trigger.
The management and maintenance of database, introducing the backup and restore of database, transaction concurrency control.
Database-related new technologies, such as: data warehousing and online analytical processing.
This course (Course Code: 100809193012) is suitable for undergraduate students who major in CS. No prior knowledge of this course is assumed.
Yanhui Gu (Office Hour: 明理楼317, Tuesdays 2-4pm, or by appointment.)
Teaching Assistant: Xiaojian Chen
Mon 8:00am-10:30am 学明楼214