2nd generation Open Source Polar Printer.
This project is create a parameterised, extensible printer Framework.
You can set your printing area, motors, rods, etc...
The software will calculate the parts for to be 3d printed, lasercut also tells you the rods lengths needed etc...
Created structure PLP(VL) Preset Layout Part (Vitamin Library). Decoupling the files to keep a modular design.
Parts.scad files not contain local settings, all parts are calculated from global abstract parameters.
If you change a bolt, motor, bearing, used than all parts are recalculated.
- Presets
- R360-Open.scad
- coming soon: R360-Open-Mini.scad, R360-Open-Max.scad
Only preset files should be run.
This file is the one which contain the main parameters for the printer.
This settings are publicised, they can be freely edited to fine tune your printer.
Is a core file.
- Individual
This layout is for show parts individually, cantered on 0 coordinates.
- Production
This layout is for creating 3d printing or laser cutting compositions for production.
- Assembly
This layout is for visualise the printer. Which helps detect problems or helps decisions on hardware used. It also helps at building the printer, because it clearly shows how the parts fit together.
- Parts
This files are the individual parts of the printer.
Part - Status
Frame - Alpha
Bed - Beta
X-axes - Alpha
Y-axes - Beta
Z-axes - Gold
Carriage - Alpha
Extruder - Planed
Filament Holder - Planed
Electronic board holder - Planed
Off the shelf parts for visualisation only.
Libraries sub parts and other libraries
This file is contain general settings like bolt, rod or motor sizes. This file can be extended, but old values should not be altered.
##Software dependencies
The software is written in openSCAD.
It requires the latest MCAD/involute_gears.scad
Under development!
Under development!
Kornel Farkas
Email: [email protected]
Website: Replicatorwarehouse.com
####R-360 Open Printer