This package contains an implementation of path planning within an OctoMap. It uses the OMPL Library to create safe obstacle-free and smooth trajectories that reach a specific goal.
Run the main node with
roslaunch path_planning path_planning.launch
- path_planning.launch: Run the main node
Create obstacle-free paths in an OctoMap that are suitable for the drone.
[octomap_msgs/Octomap]The map that is used for path planning.
[geometry_msgs/PoseStamped]The real-time position estimation of the drone.
[geometry_msgs/TransformStamped]The next goal that the drone must reach and a path towards it must be created.
[trajectory_msgs/MultiDOFJointTrajectory]The set of points that the drone must navigate through in order to achieve a smooth and obstacle-free navigation.
[trajectory_msgs/MultiDOFJointTrajectory]A smoother version of the trajectory, after smoothing it using B-spline functions.
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