This is a React-based stock information app built for tracking and analyzing global stock indices and individual stocks. The app utilizes various APIs to fetch real-time data and provides AI stock analysis.
- Customizable Watchlist: Users can personalize their watchlist by adding or removing stocks and indices.
- Stock Analysis: Leverages the Gemini AI API to analyze individual stock data, providing users with insights and analytics.
- Real-Time Data Fetching: Fetches and displays up-to-date information on stocks and indices using the Twelve Data API and Yahoo News API.
- Sector Performance Widget: Shows the performance of various market sectors to give a quick overview of sector trends.
- Responsive Design: Built with Tailwind CSS to ensure a seamless user experience across different screen sizes.
- React: For building the user interface and managing state.
- Tailwind CSS: For styling and creating a responsive layout.
- Twelve Data API: For fetching real-time stock and index data.
- Yahoo News API: For fetching the latest financial news.
- Gemini AI API: For performing AI-based stock analysis.
- Vite: For a fast development environment and optimized builds.
- /src: Contains all the source code, including components, hooks, and styles.
- /public: Public assets like images and icons.