Ext.Button based component for uploading files in Sencha Touch apps
Author: Constantine V. Smirnov, kostysh(at)gmail.com, http://mindsaur.com
License: GNU GPL v3.0
Current version: 2.0.1
ST2 version: 2.1.1
Sencha Cmd: v3.0.2.288
- 2.0.1 Added uploading request signing feature, custom response decoder, configurable success response codes
- 2.0
- 1.0.2 Fixed issue with multiple Fileup components on one page
- 1.0.1 Bugs fixes
- 1.0 Initial release
- Select file from local source
- Load selected file as dataUrl
- Upload selected file to server
- Loading spinner on button
- Uploading progress displayed on badge
- Uploading error handling
- Uploading request signing feature
- Custom response decoder
- Configurable success response codes
- Custom styles for component using SASS
This component can works in two modes (switched by loadAsDataUrl config):
- Load local files as dataUrl. Will be useful if you want to load a local file. For example you can load image and display it inside dom or store it into localStorage.
- Upload files to server (you should also setup a server part) Current PHP version of server part located in src/php folder (getfile.php)
Server response format (JSON): { success: true,// or false message: ''// error message if success === false }
Component has three states:
- Browse: Initial state, you can browse and select file
- Ready: File selected and ready for load or upload
- Uploading: File loading or uploading in process
You can configure these states (add custom text and styles). Looking for SASS file in src/ux/sass folder.
- Place src/php to your server (you can write your own version of this script)
- Create folder for uploads on your server and make this folder writable
- Configure getfile.php (second line, path to your folder for uploads)
- Place src to your app folder;
- Configure custom path for custom components:
'Ext.ux': '[..path..]src/ux'
- Require Fileup in app.js or inside current view:
requires: ['Ext.ux.Fileup']
- Insert component into view:
items: [
//Fileup configuration for "Load local file" mode
xtype: 'fileupload',
autoUpload: true,
loadAsDataUrl: true,
states: {
browse: {
text: 'Browse and load'
ready: {
text: 'Load'
uploading: {
text: 'Loading',
loading: true// Enable loading spinner on button
//Fileup configuration for "Upload file" mode
itemId: 'fileBtn',
xtype: 'fileupload',
autoUpload: false,
url: 'src/php/getfile.php'
- Enable or disable auto upload of file via component config:
autoUpload: true,
- Listen for success/failure or loadsuccess/loadfailure events:
success: 'yourFileUploadSuccessHandler',
failure: 'yourFileUploadFailureHandler'