A curated list of SurrealDB resources, tools, utilities, and applications.
If you want to contribute to this list, then please read the contributing guidelines.
A curated list of SurrealDB resources, tools, utilities, and applications.
If you want to contribute to this list, then please read the contributing guidelines.
- Applications
- Client libraries
- Management interfaces
- Development tools
- Deployment tools
- Docker images
- Integrations
- Libraries
- GitHub Actions
- Starter Kits
- Tutorials
- Videos
- Projects
- SurrealDB -
is a scalable, distributed, collaborative, document-graph database, for the realtime web.
- awaited-surrealdb - Typescript wrapper for surrealdb.js that holds queries until connection is established.
- mylk - Client library for Ruby with support for HTTP and WebSocket connections.
- surrealdb-cloudflare - A Typescript implementation for SurrealDB's HTTP API. Can also be used outside of Cloudflare.
- surrealdb-erlang - Client library for Erlang and other BEAM languages.
- surrealdb-flutter - Client library for Dart and Flutter.
- surrealdb.c -
official driver for C.
- surrealdb.cr - Client library for Crystal with support for HTTP and WebSocket connections.
- surrealdb.go -
official driver for Golang.
- surrealdb.java -
official driver for Java.
- surrealdb.js -
official driver for JavaScript.
- surrealdb.net -
official driver for .NET.
- surrealdb.node -
official driver for Node.js.
- surrealdb.php -
official driver for PHP.
- surrealdb.py -
official driver for Python.
- surrealdb -
official driver for Rust.
- surrealdb.wasm -
official driver for WebAssembly.
- SurrealDB_DSL - An unofficial Kotlin DSL and driver.
- SurrealDB Admin - A serverless app to browse and query your local or cloud surrealDB instance. No installation required.
- SurrealDB Explorer - A simple database viewer/editor for SurrealDB.
- Surrealist - A powerful graphical SurrealDB query playground and database explorer.
- SurrealReact - An explorer UI written in react.
- Surreal-Fiber - A REST API Fiber Web Framework boilerplate using SurrealDB for applications written in Go.
- surrealdb-client-generator - A handy tool that simplifies the process of generating zod schemas and TypeScript clients.
- Dokku Surrealdb - A plugin to deploy SurrealDB as a Dokku plugin.
- Pterodactyl Egg - An egg to deploy SurrealDB for the Pterodactyl Panel.
- GKE using Terraform - Multicluster Cross-Regional Deployment using GKE Autopilot and Terraform
surrealdb/surrealdb -
official Docker image.
This category is currently empty
- Cirql - Flexible SurrealDB TypeScript ORM leveraging the power of Zod schemas.
- kysely-surrealdb - Kysely (type-safe sql query builder) dialects, plugins and other goodies for SurrealDB.
- PySurrealDB - SurrealDB driver and query builder for Python.
- allographer - A query builder and schema builder for Nim that also supports SurrealDB.
- ra-surrealdb - A data provider and an auth provider for react admin to integrate with SurrealDB.
- Sirqle - Python wrapper for surrealdb.py.
- surreal-id - (Rust) - Create custom ID types that are guaranteed to be valid RecordIds in SurrealDB, add them to your structs, and serialize and deserialize from SurrealDB with ease.
- surrealdb-migrations - An awesome SurrealDB migration tool, with a user-friendly CLI and a versatile Rust library that enables seamless integration into any project.
- surrealdb-migrations - This GitHub Action installs and runs surrealdb-migrations. It is used to apply migrations on a SurrealDB instance.
- Use SurrealDB in GitHub Actions - GitHub Action for using SurrealDB in your tests.
- SurrealDB + Go Driver Starter - Salman Shah.
- SurrealDB + Koa starter rest api - Jerempy.
- SurrealDB + Nuxt 3 Starter - Dylan Vanmali.
- SurrealDB + React-Nodejs starter - M SaiKiran.
- SurrealDB + SolidStart Starter - Sam "metru" Zanca.
- SurrealDB + SvelteKit Starter - Jitesh Doshi.
- Starter Kit for SurrealDB + Tauri + Next.js - Reymom.
- SurrealDB + Streamlit Starter - Lucifer Akirami.
- SurrealDB + FastAPI-NextJS Starter - Mardav Chirag and Richard Orido.
- SurrealDB + Vue Starter - Dharani Inkollu.
- SurrealDB + Rocket - David Zabala.
- Starter Kit for SurrealDB + SpringBoot - PDROJACK.
- SurrealDB + Flask Starter - Syed Zubeen.
- SurrealDB + SvelteKit - Oskar Gmerek
- Unlocking SurrealDB: Building a Real-World Multi-Tenant RBAC System Made Easy (4 Part Series) - Sebastian Wessel
- Hosting Surreal DB in Rust in Less Than 3 Minutes - Gui Bibeau.
- Official community tutorials website - By SurrealDB team & Community.
- Simple API with Gin/Gonic and SurrealDB (GO) - By Atharva Deshpande.
- SurrealDB - Rust Embedded Database - Quick Tutorial - Jeremy Chone.
- Getting started with SurrealDB - By SurrealDB team.
- How to Use SurrealDb with the Fresh Framework and Deno - By Rajdeep Singh, FreeCodeCamp.
- Improve database management with SurrealDB - By Alexander Nnakwue, LogRocket.
- Beyond Surreal? A closer look at NewSQL Relational Data - Beyond Fireship.
- Getting started with SurrealDB! Future of cloud databases (maybe)? - Chris Hay.
- Rust Powered Database SurrealDB (It's Pretty Ambitious) - Code to the Moon.
- SurrealDB in 100 seconds - Fireship.
- SurrealDB. The Kitchen Sink Document Store that might dethrone Firebase - Ray Villalobos.
- DOX For Everything - An online forum for discussions, questions and answers, fan pages, blogs, or anything else.
- gofer Engine - An HL7 (Healthcare Level 7) Interface Engine built to deploy on Node.js servers that provides SurrealDB as a persistance layer option.
- Kards Social - FOSS social media app.
- Nextjs + surrealdb demo - Basic blog that serves as a demo / template for your nextjs + surrealdb project.
- Pandorica - FOSS zero-knowledge secure file storage.
- Playrbase - Event & player management system.
- SurrealDB AI Docs Retrieval - Project to showcase: How to build a GPT-Based question-answering system on top of SurrealDB Docs. Utilizing SurrealDB as a vector store itself.
- SurrealDB Presence Demo - Demo project on how to create a realtime presence web application using SurrealDB Live Queries.
- SurrealDB Sandbox - An offline browser-based playground for experimenting with SurrealDB.