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Cloud Data Lake on AWS (using S3, EMR, Spark, Boto3, Python, Hadoop, Hive, Parquet, ETL, Athena, Glue)


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Cloud Data Lake on AWS

using S3, EMR, Spark, Boto3, Python, Hadoop, Hive, Parquet, ETL, Athena, Glue


    - Business Requirement
    - Solution for Data Lake in AWS cloud
    - Datasets
    - Data Wrangling and Cleaning
    - Output Table Design
    - File Contents and purpose of each file
    - How to Run
    - Sample Execution

Business Requirement:

  • A music streaming company, Sparkify has grown their user base and song database more.
  • Now, they want to move their data warehouse to a data lake.
  • Their data resides in S3,
  • in a directory of JSON logs on user activity on the app,
  • as well as a directory with JSON metadata on the songs in their app.

Solution for Data Lake in AWS cloud:

Data Lake in AWS cloud

  • Data engineering done. User utilizes Python script that creates Data Lake cluster
    in EMR on AWS cloud. This provisions EC2 m5.xlarge instances on-demand (1 Master, 2 Core nodes).
  • Spark scripts are copied from S3 over to EMR as part of step execution on new cluster job.
  • Spark DataFrames loaded after reading JSON input_data from S3 bucket.
  • Dataframe transformations done using PySpark functions, custom UDF and Spark.sql queries
    utilizing temporary table views for dimensional tables and fact table in Hadoop Hive
  • All tables created are then stored in parquet format to output_data bucket back to S3 along
    with table counts as CSV files for verfication.
  • As part of Spark job, run_analytics function runs queries given by analytics team. This
    does analysis and continue finding insights for team about what songs users are listening to.
  • Data Lake EMR cluster terminated automatically upon job completion.
  • Additionally, cross check done using Glue crawler (to create data store) and Athena queries to
    verify table counts directly from S3 and compare against previous CSV files present in output_data


Working with two datasets that reside in S3. Here are the S3 links for each:

  1. Song data: s3://udacity-dend/song_data
  2. Log data: s3://udacity-dend/log_data

Song Dataset

The first dataset is a subset of real data from the Million Song Dataset. Each file is in JSON format and contains metadata about a song and the artist of that song. The files are partitioned by the first three letters of each song's track ID. For example, here are filepaths to two files in this dataset.


And below is an example of what a single song file, TRAABJL12903CDCF1A.json, looks like:

{"num_songs": 1, "artist_id": "ARJIE2Y1187B994AB7", "artist_latitude": null, "artist_longitude": null, "artist_location": "", "artist_name": "Line Renaud", "song_id": "SOUPIRU12A6D4FA1E1", "title": "Der Kleine Dompfaff", "duration": 152.92036, "year": 0}

Log Dataset

The second dataset consists of log files in JSON format generated by this event simulator with activity logs from a music streaming app based on specified configurations. The log files in the dataset are partitioned by year and month.

For example, here are filepaths to two files in this dataset.


And below is an example of what the data in a log file, 2018-11-12-events.json, looks like.

{"artist":"Blue October \/ Imogen Heap","auth":"Logged In","firstName":"Kaylee","gender":"F","itemInSession":7,"lastName":"Summers","length":241.3971,"level":"free","location":"Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, AZ","method":"PUT","page":"NextSong","registration":1540344794796.0,"sessionId":139,"song":"Congratulations","status":200,"ts":1541107493796,"userAgent":"\"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/35.0.1916.153 Safari\/537.36\"","userId":"8"}


Data Lake Design:

Data Lake resides within S3 and makes use of on-demand EMR instance to process etl and run analytics. The EMR terminates cluster upon completion of etl and analytical processing and generates outputs that are written back to S3.

For Storage - S3 was chosen for this Data Lake storage of both input data of unstructured/semi structured json files, output data in parquet format of all Tables for ease retrieval. "S3 offers an extremely durable, highly available, and infinitely scalable data storage infrastructure at very low costs. Amazon S3 provides a simple web service interface that you can use to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web."*

For Processing - EMR cluster of 3 EC2 instances on-demand nodes of m5.xlarge were used. EMR offered ease to use, low cost , elastic, reliable, secure, flexible options to this case of performing cost-effective data tranformation workload for the analytics team. EMR with Spark allowed the entire analysis job finishes in less than 15 mins, consuming all the data and providing S3 parquet files of table data and counts in csv files. Boto3 allowed lanuch configurations ease creation with automatic job execution of steps and cluster termination upon completion.

The following Schema were identified after analysing data used from the sample log_data and song_data JSON files. Based on these, Spark Dataframes were loaded into and tranformed using PySpark functions and Spark.sql. Several of these are kept as StringType and then later transformed within PySpark, making use of UDF for unix epoch date to timestamp format conversion.

Staging Tables design (Spark DataFrames)

Spark DataFrame dfSongsData Schema (used to load combined JSON files for song_data from S3):

num_songs IntegerType(),
artist_id StringType(),
artist_latitude FloatType(),
artist_longitude FloatType(),
artist_location StringType(),
artist_name StringType(),
song_id StringType(),
title StringType(),
duration StringType(),
year StringType()

From dfSongsData, duplicates removed and temp Hadoop Hive table view songs created to be used for dimension table SONGS: song_id, title, artist_id, year, duration

From dfSongsData, duplicates removed, few columns renamed and temp Hadoop Hive table view artists created to be used for dimension table ARTISTS: artist_id, name, location, latitude, longitude

Spark DataFrame dfLogData (used to load combined JSON files for log_data from S3):

artist StringType(),
auth StringType(),
firstName StringType(),
gender StringType(),
itemInSession IntegerType(),
lastName StringType(),
length FloatType(),
level StringType(),
location StringType(),
method StringType(),
page StringType(),
registration FloatType(),
sessionId IntegerType(),
song StringType(),
status IntegerType(),
ts StringType(),
userAgent StringType(),
userId String Type()

From dfLogData, duplicates removed and temp Hadoop Hive table view users created to be used for dimension table USERS: user_id, first_name, last_name, gender, level

From dfLogData, duplicates removed. An UDF was used to convert epoch values for column 'ts' from logData to below units of hour, day, week, month, year, weekday. Column was also renamed to start_time. Temp Hadoop Hive table view is created to be used for dimension table TIME: start_time, hour, day, week, month, year, weekday

From all the previous created table views of songs, users, artists, time, fact table is created. An unique key identifier column songplay_id is added to to the fact table SONGPLAYS: songplay_id, start_time, user_id, level, song_id, artist_id, session_id, location, user_agent

After processing, above tables are written to file as parquet format in S3. Additonally, of the above table's views are used to do table query row counts and also written to S3. The on-demand EMR cluster is then terminated, leaving a serverless Data Lake, with all tables residing back in S3.

Analytical Table Design

(stored in S3 as Parquet files under output_data/analytics folder)

Dimension Tables:

SONGS: partitioned by (year, artist_id)

song_id StringType(),
title StringType(),
artist_id StringType(),
year StringType(),
duration StringType()


artist_id StringType(),
name StringType(),
location StringType(),
latitude FloatType(),
longitude FloatType()


user_id StringType(),
first_name StringType(),
last_name StringType(),
gender StringType(),
level StringType()

TIME: partitioned by (yearType(), month)

start_time TimestampType(),
hour TimestampType(),
day TimestampType(),
week TimestampType(),
month TimestampType(),
year TimestampType(),
weekday TimestampType()

Fact Table:


songplay_id (unique identifer with incremental value),
start_time TimestampType(),
user_id StringType(),
level StringType(),
song_id IntegerType(),
artist_id StringType(),
session_id IntegerType(), 
location StringType(),
user_agent StringType()

Validation on (S3, Athena, Glue Serverless Services)

Serverless services Glue and Athena, verification of S3 table files and table count queries run as a additional level validation of files written in tables.

File Contents and purpose of each file:

Local Files

  • - README file that includes summary, how to run and an explanation of all the files
  • images - folder containing all images for
  • - Bash script to update environment PATH and make all .py files executeable
  • - Python script to lanuch create EMR cluster, inclues specifications for EC2 instances, job execution
  • - Python script to add additional step to EMR cluster job
  • - Python script to check active EMR cluster status
  • - Python script to terminate EMR cluster
  • - Python file with configuration params

Files to be uploaded to S3 bucket $SPARK_SCRIPTS

  • - Spark script that reads all input_data files from S3, does Dataframe transformations using PySpark functions, custom UDF and Spark.sql queries. Makes temporary table views for dimensional tables and fact_table in Hadoop Hive. Then, writes these table out to output_data files in S3 along with table counts. Finally, runs analytics queries and save their output to S3.
  • - Python file with configuration params

Note: needs to be updated with the parameters for scripts to work. Upload a copy of it, along with to S3 bucket $SPARK_SCRIPTS

Config Parameters:

For the scripts to work, the following need to be updated in

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS account KEY ID to be used with scripts
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: AWS account SECRET KEY to be used with scripts
  • REGION_NAME: AWS account REGION to be used with scripts (ideally US-WEST-2)
  • ACCOUNT_NUM: AWS account number
  • CLUSTER_NAME: AWS account number
  • EC2KEYNAME: EC2 Key Pair to be used with EMR EC2 instances
  • MASTERINSTANCETYPE: EMR Master node EC2 instance type e.g. m5.xlarge
  • SLAVEINSTANCETYPE: EMR Slave node EC2 instance type e.g. m5.xlarge
  • INSTANCECOUNT: EMR nodes counts (e.g. 1 Master, 2 nodes = 3)
  • EC2SUBNETID: EMR EC2 nodes Subnet id
  • INPUT_BUCKET: S3 bucket to read song_data and log_data folders
  • OUTPUT_BUCKET: S3 bucket to place output data for analytical tables (for songs, users, time, artirsts, songplays) and csv files for table count and analytical queries resultset
  • SPARK_SCRIPTS: S3 bucket to place Spark script files and

How to run:

1. Setup AWS account:

  • Open an AWS account and create an ACCESS KEY ID and a SECRET KEY to be used for EMR execution.
  • Update these in for AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • For more info, check AWS docs: Create and Activate AWS Account

2. Setup three S3 buckets:

Note: All should buckets in US-WEST-2 region (close to S3 input bucket, to reduce network traffic in reads)

  • Create 1st bucket for output_data: e.g. to be used in s3://bucket-name/analytics/ this be used to store all tables created and their table counts.
  • Create 2nd bucket to host Spark files in S3. We'll call this SPARK_SCRIPTS which will be used by EMR cluster later e.g. s3://songdl-sparkfls
  • Create 3rd bucket for Athena and Glue to store query results and data store files e.g. s3://songdl-queries
  • Upload and to S3 SPARK_SCRIPTS bucket location.
  • Update this info in OUTPUT_BUCKET and SPARK_SCRIPTS. For INPUT_BUCKET use the one that hosts song_data and log_data. Sample names provided in
    For more info, check AWS docs: Create a bucket

3. Lanuch an EMR Cluster

  • Open a terminal with public internet access and python installed.
  • Give execute permission on, then run it.
  • PATH variable will be updated and all .py files made executables in folder.
  • Execute which will initiate your EMR cluster creation and setup steps for SPARK_SCRIPTS files ( and to be copied from S3 to run on cluster.
  • For more info, check AWS docs: Lanuching a cluster and EMR-GS-Launch-Sample-Cluster

4. Verify job execution and cluster termination:

  • Run to check current cluster state and to add any additional cluster job steps (edit the file and place in variable ListofSteps, then run).
  • Alternatively, use EMR console on AWS to verify Spark job execution and App history with STDERR and STDOUT.
  • Check Spark step execution and progress.
  • Verify job has completed and cluster has been terminated.
  • For more info, check AWS docs: EMR Manage View Clusters, Application History, and App History Spark UI

5. Run to terminate job (only if needed)

  • Run
  • Enter job id provided from status to terminate EMR cluster

6. Verify all analytical tables created in S3

(tables created under output_data/analytics folder, table counts folder with CSV, analytical queries results CSV )
  • Verify Table folders created in output_data bucket e.g. OUTPUT_DATA/analytics/table_name
  • Verify CSV file for S3 table counts created under OUTPUT_DATA/analytics/AllTblCnt/
  • Verify Analytical queries result CSV files under subfolders e.g. TOP_SONGS, TOP_ARTISTS, PAID_FREE_RT

7. Initiate Glue Crawler from Athena

  • Open Athena, select query editor, select 'from AWS Glue Crawler' Athena Options - Select from Glue

8. Setup Glue Crawler (with S3 and Data store database)

  • In AWS Glue, create a crawler and data store from S3 table files created.
    • Provide inputs for Crowler:
      • NAME
      • DATA STORE - s3://INPUT_DATA/
      • IAM ROLE - create a new or use existing
      • SCHEDULE - select 'Run on-demand'
      • OUTPUT - Name of Database eg. songsdl. Create new if needed.
  • Run the newly created crawler
  • Select database > tables, tables will be popuplated in databse.
  • For more info, check AWS docs: Getting Started with AWS Glue Data Catalog

9. Verify Table count from Athena query

  • With Crawler above setup, go back to Athena
  • Select Refresh under Databse -Refresh database under Athena
  • Now database is available, setup table count queries and run: Athena - setup table count queries
  • The results should match up with the row counts in CSV file in AllTblCnt folder
  • For more info, check AWS docs: Athena Getting Started and Athena User Guide

Sample Run:

1. Gave permission to execute and ran
root@f8b518cd3ee7:/home/workspace# chmod 755
root@f8b518cd3ee7:/home/workspace# ./
PATH updated
*.py files made executeable
2. Ran
root@f8b518cd3ee7:/home/workspace# ./ 
EMR cluster start initiated.
3. Checked status of cluster:
root@f8b518cd3ee7:/home/workspace# ./ 

After sometime:

root@f8b518cd3ee7:/home/workspace# ./ 

Status on EMR console (after job completion):
Job Completion on EMR

Status on EMR console STDOUT of step for
STDOUT of step on EMR

4. Terminated cluster (to be used only if need)
root@f8b518cd3ee7:/home/workspace# ./ 
Enter Cluster id j-: j-2G7ML2GT64C5H
Termination initiated for Cluster j-2G7ML2GT64C5H
5. Verify Tables created in S3:


6. Verify Tables counts in CSV file:

Table_count_folder Table_count_CSV

7. Initiate Glue Crawler from Athena

Athena - Select from Glue

8. Setup Glue Crawler

Opened Glue and setup a crawler with all parameters and ran: Glue_create_crawler Data_store_database Crawler created Crawler run Crawler completed Goto Database (songsdl) > Tables, able see tables now: Crawler completed

9. Verify Table count from Athena query:

Refreshed database under Athena Ran table count queries: Athena - setup table count queries Query results match up with CSV file in AllTblCnt folder Athena_row_count


Cloud Data Lake on AWS (using S3, EMR, Spark, Boto3, Python, Hadoop, Hive, Parquet, ETL, Athena, Glue)







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