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Soyspray 🌱💦

Home Cluster created with Kubespray on Soyo miniPCs.

Network Configuration

The router DHCP range was updated to

Static IPs were assigned to the miniPCs by MAC address:,, and

Static IP assignment only worked using the Asus router mobile app. The web GUI produced an "invalid MAC" error.

System Installation

Ubuntu Server 24.04 was installed on the Soyo miniPCs using autoinstall.

Ethernet drivers for the Motorcomm ethernet adapter were compiled during the autoinstall process.

Repo Setup

This repository was created using guidance from Farhad's video, Kubespray's, and Kubespray Ansible installation docs.

Hosts YAML Generation

To generate the hosts.yaml file, the following steps were used:

# Copy sample inventory
# Declare the IPs and hostnames for the nodes
# Generate the hosts.yaml file
# View the generated hosts.yaml
cp -rfp inventory/sample inventory/soycluster
declare -a IPS=(node-0, node-1, node-2,
CONFIG_FILE=inventory/soycluster/hosts.yml python3 contrib/inventory_builder/ ${IPS[@]}
cat inventory/soycluster/hosts.yml

A virtual environment (soyspray-venv) was used for dependency management and is included in .gitignore to keep environment-specific files out of the repository. Kubespray was integrated as a submodule in this repository.

# Create virtual environment
# Activate virtual environment
# Install requirements from the kubespray submodule
python3 -m venv soyspray-venv
source soyspray-venv/bin/activate
cd kubespray
pip install -U -r requirements.txt