This is work in progress. The A-star algorithm has been tested already.
The main idea is to chop down a maze into smaller problems which can be analyzed in parallel (i.e. multi-threaded environments).
What remains to do is to test and implement the ideas below.
Different ideas to speed up a-star.
In a 2D maze of zeros and ones try to find a path from the start to the end node, if it exists. Steps allowed are only direct neighbors (should be possible to also allow weighted sideways steps later, as well as multi-dimensional spaces). Split up the 2D space into chunk using dividing lines with a thickness of two. See image below.
NOTE: The chunk size can be chosen dynamically. Start in cell 28C, end in 2Z.
- similar to a-star on cell level, have two lists of chunks to search.
- expand list of chunks according to simple heuristic, e.g. estimated shortest path to end node. See image below.
NOTE: after the connections between the chunks 0-7 have been analyzed in-chunk search of these eight chunks can run in parallel.
- dynamically analyze dividers between chunks for connectivity (chunk exists).
- if chunks are connected via exits, try to search path thru them, otherwise optimize path thru other chunks.
- in order to find each cell's connectivity analyze the surrounding divider cells as shown below. This can assign each cell the maximum of 8 connected cells.
- for each chunk hold an array of cell's connection coordinates to other chunks.
- walk the dividers using a 2-by-2 mask in order to simultaneously analyze which chunks are connected and their connecting cell's coordinates.
- do not search chunks if they have no connection at all.
NOTE: no costs for exits have to be analyzed, only the final path via these exits will be assigned a cost.
- guarantee to find shortest paths, like a-star does.
- allows for parallel execution, because each divider between two chunks and the chunks themselves can be analyzed by different threads.
NOTE: The image shows a search at basic intensity where each pair of exits is only in-chunk searched if it aligns with the general direction between start and end node.
A solution to a maze is a list chunk exits which are connected via an in-chunk path. In the above image for example, the right paths do not connect the start node with the end node.
Additional idea:
- heuristically increase the intensity for the in-chunk search. At first search only from exits close to start to exits close to end. If that is not enough, increase the cost of the in-chunk search and do a full NxM search for every exit (i.e. find a path from each exit to any of the other exits; one direction of the two directions is obviously enough).
- let the chunk-level a-star algorithm operate simultaneously from start to end and from end to start to cut search time into half.
- make it more likely to in-chunk search a chunk if it is more connected to other chunks.
- use heuristic to choose different search algorithms for the in-chunk search (i.e. DFS or A-star).
- Chop up maze.
- Run across walls
- Check if walls are connected to sides of map.
- Choose search accordingly.
- how to use google tests, i.e.