Hello World,
CSCI5408 - Data Management Warehousing Analytics.
Assignment 2
Task 1
- Implemented the sequence of transactions given in the pdf using Java Multi Threading.
- Each Sequence is considered as Threads and the threads are synchronized to maintain the ACID properties of the system intact.
Task 2
- Implemented Write Ahead Log protocol to implement a distributed database system.
- Used xml to store the global data dictionary and used it to perform distributed transactions.
Assignment 3
- Task 1
- Data Extraction and Preprocessing Engine on Tweet account.
- Task 2
- Data Processing using Spark - MapReduce to perform count.
- Task 3
- Data Visualization using Graph Database – Neo4j for graph generation.
Assignment 4
- Task1
- Sentiment Analysis using Python on the extracted tweet content.
- Task2
- Semantic Analysis using python on the extracted tweet content.