Welcome to the Zerodha Homepage Clone repository! This project is a recreation of the Zerodha homepage using HTML, CSS, SCSS and JavaScript. The purpose of this clone is to showcase the design and layout of the Zerodha homepage for educational and practice purposes. Whether you're here to explore, contribute, or simply learn, we're excited to have you!. You can view the live version of this project at Live Demo.
Explore the live version of this project using the following link:
- Responsive Design: The homepage is designed to be responsive, providing a seamless experience across various devices and screen sizes.
- Navbar Interactivity: Mimics the interactivity of the Zerodha homepage's navigation bar.
- Carousel Component: Featured section with a carousel showcasing different products or images.
- Product Highlights: Display of highlighted products with brief descriptions. Footer: Includes links to various sections and social media.
- Author Name:
Krishna Singha
- GitHub: My GitHub Profile
- Linkedin: My Linkedin Profile
- This project is licensed under the
MIT License
- see the LICENSE.md file for details.
Thank you for checking out the Zerodha Homepage Clone! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to open an issue or contact me.
Happy coding! 🚀