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Big Ideas (weighted stocks 5-10-20
Sectors (list of sectors)
Nifty Sectorsoral Indexes
Nifty Indexes
Footer terms of use
Create terms and condtion page and move the disclainer from home page body to Terma and condtion page.
Refine the data in navbar (it should map with the body)
Research , Analytics , Explore(yet to decide)
Logo (need ot think on design)
Scroll bar below each list in homepage ( number of list to show)
view all should take to listing page of that catergory from home page
Look and feel of each card on homepage
Create comming soon page
create inline comming soon component.
refine footer
- IPO detail page - [ ] Countdown refined - UX / UI - [ ] analysis - [ ] description - [ ] links - [ ] make it function and refine UI of broker list
Big Ideas
- Refine description
- Remove the graph for now can be added later
- companies
- Refine table - [ ] what coulmns to show
- stats - [ ] add page`
- alerts - [ ] add page
- stories - [ ] add page
- knowledge - [ ] add page
data sources
- jobs
- database