fabio Public
Forked from fabiolb/fabioA fast, modern, zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router for deploying microservices managed by consul.
Go Other UpdatedSep 29, 2016 -
AndroidRTC Public
Forked from pchab/AndroidRTCAndroid client for ProjectRTC - a WebRTC demo
Java Other UpdatedMay 16, 2015 -
OpenDJ Public
Forked from OpenRock/OpenDJMirror of https://svn.forgerock.org/opendj
Java UpdatedMay 5, 2015 -
webrtc-sdk Public
Forked from stephenlb/webrtc-sdkWebRTC Simple Calling API + Mobile SDK - A simplified approach to RTCPeerConnection for mobile and web video calling apps.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 27, 2015 -
phabricator Public
Forked from phacility/phabricatorOpen software engineering platform and fun adventure game
PHP Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 23, 2015 -
Gogs(Go Git Service) is a painless self-hosted Git Service written in Go.
Go MIT License UpdatedFeb 23, 2015 -
gitbucket Public
Forked from gitbucket/gitbucketThe easily installable GitHub clone powered by Scala
Scala Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 23, 2015 -
ungit Public
Forked from FredrikNoren/ungitThe easiest way to use git. On any platform. Anywhere.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 22, 2015 -
hello-world-war Public
Forked from efsavage/hello-world-warSimplest possible Java webapp for testing deployments
Shell UpdatedFeb 4, 2015 -
restfulgit Public
Forked from hulu/restfulgitREST API for Git data
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 2, 2015 -
angulardemorestful Public
Forked from draptik/angulardemorestfulAngularJs intro: Focusing on the REST part with examples in java, nodejs and even dotnet ;-)
Java MIT License UpdatedJan 28, 2015 -
controller Public
Forked from opendaylight/controllerMirror of the OpenDaylight controller gerrit project
Java Eclipse Public License 1.0 UpdatedJan 27, 2015 -
rest-document-archive Public
Forked from murygin/rest-document-archiveA simple document archive with REST interface
JavaScript UpdatedSep 29, 2014 -
saml-plugin Public
Forked from jenkinsci/saml-pluginA SAML 2.0 Plugin for the Jenkins Continuous Integration server
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 15, 2014 -
apache-shiro-tutorial-webapp Public
Forked from lhazlewood/apache-shiro-tutorial-webappA step-by-step tutorial showing how to secure a web app with Apache Shiro
XML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 19, 2013 -
django-docker Public
Forked from kencochrane/django-dockerDemo Django App using Docker
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 22, 2013