This is the opencast matterhorn module for installing and configuring opencast matterhorn.
class {'opencast':
opencast_pkg => 'opencast-matterhorn',
profile => 'admin',
server_url => '',
admin_url => '',
engage_url => '',
db_url => 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/opencast',
db_user => 'opencast',
db_pass => 'opencast',
storage_dir => '/var/opencast';
For more parameters and their defaults have a look at the params.pp class .
opencast::workflow { 'encode-archive':
content => $content;
Type can be ffmpeg or gstreamer.
opencast::encoding {'h264-high':
content => $content,
$type => 'ffmpeg';
Add an organization to the installation, a default organization is always added upon installation. This is only needed for extra organizations.
opencast::organization { 'organization2':
organization_name => 'organization2',
organization_server => '',
organization_port => '8080',
organization_enable_episode => 'true',
organization_download_link = > 'true';
for more parameters and their defaults look at organization.pp .
You have to have a packaged version of opencast matterhorn in your local repository. This has to be an adapted version with the profile changes as described on the entwine blog. We use an adapted version of those scripts for use on Debian. See for more info on these adaptations.