Solves a Hamilton-Jacobi PDE fast (in seconds) to gradient limit a scalar field defined in 2D or 3D. The input to the solver is packed in column-major order with z being the slowest varying dimension.
This code is designed to be mex'ed using From MATLAB enter the following command:
mex CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -std=c++11" FastHJ.cpp
Note: you MAY have to start MATLAB from the terminal (on Linux-like OS) like so:
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ matlab
...but first try to just use MATLAB without that.
Operate this code from MATLAB by changing the appropriate parts of the code below.
dims = [nrows ncols nz]; % note: nz MUST be 1 for 2D fields.
elen = % size of grid cell
dfdx = % decimal fraction representing smoothness
itmax = % maximum number of iterations to perform
field = 2D array reshaped in column-major order
smoothed_field = FastHJ( int32(dims), elen, dfdx, int32(itmax), field);
Column-major in MATLAB is readily achieved by using the reshape command like so:
vec = matrix(:);
...and back to the original matrix format like:
matrix = reshape(vec,[nrows,ncols,nz]);