stellarium Public
Forked from Stellarium/stellariumStellarium is a free GPL software which renders realistic skies in real time with OpenGL. It is available for Linux/Unix, Windows and MacOSX. With Stellarium, you really see what you can see with y…
C++ GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJun 1, 2020 -
cudaforengineers Public
Forked from myurtoglu/cudaforengineersSource code repository for the projects from CUDA for Engineers
C++ Other UpdatedJan 8, 2017 -
google-interview-university Public
Forked from jwasham/coding-interview-universityA complete daily plan for studying to become a Google software engineer.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedDec 16, 2016 -
conda Public
Forked from conda/condaOS-agnostic, system-level binary package manager and ecosystem
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedNov 18, 2016 -
lectures Public
Forked from uwhpsc-2016/lecturesNotes, slides, and code from the in-class lectures.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 5, 2016 -
changa Public
Forked from N-BodyShop/changaMirror of UIUC/PPL version of ChaNGa
C UpdatedApr 2, 2016 -
syseng_throughputs Public
Forked from lsst-pst/syseng_throughputsSysEng-approved LSST throughput information
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 24, 2016 -
Prusa3-vanilla Public
Forked from josefprusa/Prusa3-vanillaPrusa3 vanilla
OpenSCAD UpdatedJan 20, 2015 -
2014_fall_ASTR599 Public
Forked from jakevdp/2014_fall_ASTR599Content for my Astronomy 599 / Applied Math 500 Course: Intro to scientific computing in Python
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 24, 2014