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- Script should be kept inside the "UCI HAR Dataset" directory
- Once run, it creates a folder named "merged", where you will see a merged file for every file from "test" and "train" directories, in the same directory structure.
- X_merged and y_merged files are than modified by adding column names and row annotations to create a new dataset named "annotated.dataset"
- "annotated.dataset" is then aggregated to create a tidy data set saved in file "tidy.dataset"
####New files:
- run_Analysis.R : contains the script
- tidyDataset.txt : Tidy dataset after following all steps
- merged.rar : Directory of merged datasets
####Variables in tidyDataset.txt:
- ActivityName: Descriptive name of activity added to new dataset
- SubjectID: Subject label added to new dataset
- All additional columns are features from the original dataset